Jenin – Ma’an – Summer camp councilors, youth ministry staff, and Palestinian Authority forces launched a volunteer campaign to help clear rubbish from the streets of the northern West Bank district of Jenin from rubbish on Thursday.
Municipal officials, Fatah representatives, and PA police officers participated in the campaign, which aims to clear streets and public areas of rubbish to provide space for children’s activity over the summer holidays.
Deputy Jenin Governor Qaddura Mousa praised the initiative, saying “it sends a message from the mentors and ambassadors of Jenin’s summer camps that they will provide a comfortable atmosphere for our children. The occupation deprived them of their right to play but during the summer holiday they will fill their free time with cultural, social, and academic activities.”
PA security force area commander Radi Aseeda said the project promotes “a spirit of teamwork and patriotism,” adding that security forces endeavored to provide security and stability to residents.
Tariq Ash-Sheikh, national committee coordinator of Jenin’s summer camps, commended the PA forces participation in the clear-up.