Euro-Mediterranean Information System on the know-how in the Water Sector
EMWIS is a program of the Union for the Mediterranean.
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Contents issue N°85
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1- The 14th Annual EMWIS Steering Committee meeting, Florence (Italy), 03/12/2010
2- Med Joint Process: Water quality monitoring working group meeting, Madrid (Spain), 10/11/2010
3- UfM summit postponement will not prevent advancement of regional dialogue
4- EU and Mediterranean civil society reach historic deal on a joint Assembly
5- Dams in the Mediterranean: “Silting up and Sustainable Management of the Dam reservoirs”, Marseille (France), 13-14/12/2010
6- 6th WWF: European Regional Process – First meeting of the Consortium Steering Committee
7- Mediterranean Session of EFIAQUA: “The Situation in Mediterranean countries and the Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean”
8- AFED: Arabs to face severe water shortages by 2015
9- Africa: Implementation of IWRM at national level and transboundary basins / aquifers level
10- Palestine: Water data management in the West Bank
11- Syria: EIB provides €55 million boost for water in North-Western
12- Lebanon: Long delayed waste-water treatment plant finally opened
13- Cyprus: Solea Dam inaugurated by the President
14- Cyprus: Nirosoft selects ERI PXs for Limassol desalination
15- Israel: Soreq desalination plant uses Dow technology
16- Spain joins Middle East Desalination Research Center
17- Morocco: Towards a National Water Information System
18- Morocco: Granted 49 million euros from the EU for sanitation & industrial de-pollution
19- Morocco: Drinking Water Supply Project and construction of Tiouine dam in Ouarzazate
20- Tunisia, Morocco & Italy: Project draws up framework of wastewater treatment practices
21- Israel, Palestine & Jordan: IDE desalination seminar trains Jordanians and Palestinians
22- United Arab Emirates: Alarm on water supplies
23- Krakow Declaration on the Protection of Groundwater Quality
24- Second JMP Task Force
25- 3rd Africa Water Week: AfDB Advocates Innovative Sources of Funding in Water & Sanitation Sector
26- ESA: Two new Earth observation missions chosen for further study
27- NASA: Earth`s lakes are warming
28- How science is tackling Pakistan’s water shortages