1) Call for funding proposals [source: EnpiCBCMED date: 05.05.2011]
Call for strategic projects launched
The Joint Managing Authority is pleased to announce that the call for strategic projects is now officially open (determination N. 48/1066 of 05/05/2011).
Priority 1 (€ 37,44 million)
– Agro-food industry
– Sustainable tourism
– Integrated coastal zone management
Priority 2 (€ 24,96 million)
– Water management
– Waste treatment and recycling
– Solar energy
The Terms of Reference of each topic and main rules are detailed in the text of the call and in the Guidelines for Applicants.
The call for strategic projects is a two-stage procedure:
1. In a first instance Applicants shall submit a Concept Note
2. Only the projects preselected following the evaluation of the Concept Notes will be invited to submit a Full Application Form
The deadline for sending the Concept Notes is set on 14th July 2011.
2) Information workshops [source; Date: 10.05.2011]
Registrations open for Programme cross-border events and RCBI national seminars
The Joint Managing Authority is pleased to announce that the registrations are now open (or will be opened very soon) for the 4 Programme cross-border events organised to support the launch of the call for strategic projects.
The objective of these events are to present the main rules of the call, the Application Pack and Terms of Reference of the 6 strategic topics. In addition, two partner search forums organized in Valencia and Nicosia will offer the opportunity to interested actors from both shores of the Mediterranean area to meet and share project ideas.
• Launching event/partner search forum: Valencia, 18th May
Venue: ADEIT – Fundación Universidad Empresa de Valencia
Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3 – 46001 Valencia (España)
The filled in registration forms shall be to returned to enpicbcmed_valencia@gva.es by 13th May 2011.
Registration form – Valencia
Draft agenda – Valencia
List of participants – Valencia_updated on 09.05.2011
• Technical seminar: Tunis, 1st June
Registrations will open soon
• Technical seminar, including a partner search forum: Nicosia, 3rd June
Registrations will open soon
• Technical seminar: Beirut, 6th June
Registrations will open soon
In addition, the following national events are organised by RCBI:
• Amman (Jordan): 9th May
• Ramallah (Palestinian Authority): 11th May
• Cairo (Egypt): date to be announced
• Tel Aviv (Israel): 13th June
To register to RCBI events, click on this link and then scroll down in the programme timeline until you reach the event you wish to attend.