note: Information about this conference just arrived. Interested persons may write to Cornell to see if they are still accepting papers.

Abstract deadline extended to August 21

An international conference will be held at Cornell University to bring together scholars from a variety of disciplines engaged in research that addresses the crisis of fresh water resources in dry regions of the world. The conference will focus particularly on the Middle East, the Mediterranean Basin, and the Nile Basin, where population increase and climate change threaten to exacerbate regional conflicts and human suffering. Recognizing that finding solutions to the growing global need for fresh water is a complex problem, we encourage papers and posters that approach water issues from a variety of disciplines. Among the topics that may be addressed are sustainable technology, hydrology, law and governance, indigenous rights, privatization, public policy, and education. Papers are encouraged to be submitted on the following:

* The right to water and water rights
* Governance, compliance and water law
* Cultural approaches and solutions for water policy challenges
* International water law
* Studies on climate/landscape interactions
* Case studies in water crisis management


The organizers invite 250-word abstracts for either presentation papers or posters, due August 21, 2011.

Up to 20 papers will be presented.

Abstract Submission:

1. Please email the following, in English, to Steven Pacenka: Choose either presentation (maximum 15 minutes, not including discussion time) or poster (maximum 1.0 x 1.5 meters). (Note: we will provide boards and clips to display accepted posters, and we will provide a computer projector with a laptop running MS Windows for Powerpoint presentations.)
2. Title.
3. List authors and their organizations. Designate one as the contact and provide their email address.
4. Abstract up to 250 words.

The closing date for abstracts is August 21, 2011. Review will begin in August and we expect to provide decisions to all submitters by early September. If you have questions about this process, please contact Mr. Pacenka ( Please contact Dr. Holst-Warhaft ( or Dr. Steenhuis ( with questions about subject matter.

The organizers will seek opportunities for authors to publish peer reviewed versions of the presented papers.


Fee is US$100 by October 1 or US$150 after October 1.

* The fee covers: Friday evening reception,
* Lunches on Saturday and Sunday,
* Dinner on Saturday, and
* Refreshments during breaks.

You are responsible for lodging, other food, and transportation. (Please note that the recommended Best Western hotel provides transport between airport, hotel, and campus for people staying at the hotel; they also provide a light breakfast.)

Register and pay online with a credit card. (recommended)


For those who can’t work online or have no credit card, Download our form for printing (Adobe PDF). This can be used for payment by check (Bank with US presence) or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express). You may snail-mail, fax, or scan and email the filled form back to us.

Refunds of advance payments will be made if a person cancels by October 15. For questions about registration, please contact Liane O’Brien (, voice: 607-255-7700).


A block of motel rooms has been reserved at Ithaca’s Best Western University Inn (voice phone 607-272-6100). Price is US$139 per night plus tax, for one person. When you reserve via voice telephone, please specify the conference’s code: “Mediterranean Water Conference”. Included in the Best Western price is a small breakfast, and transportation between Ithaca Airport, the motel, and the Cornell campus.

Getting to Ithaca, New York, USA.

Other Information

* The conference will be held at Cornell University’s Law School in Ithaca, New York.
* Contact: Gail Holst-Warhaft ( or Tammo Steenhuis (