
This first conference will gather about twenty-five Jordanian and international invited speakers to give presentations on the state of scientific knowledge about the natural environment, the human presence, and issues of management and conservation with a focus on the Wadi Rum Protected Area and its region.

The conference will also propose a strategy for future documentation and research, and offer recommendations to the relevant authorities in matters of management and monitoring of the natural and cultural assets of Wadi Rum in the context of tourism development.


The conference will take place on 11-13 November 2011 at the Visitor Centre of the Wadi Rum Protected Area.

This Conference is held under the patronge of:

– HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, Vice Chairman of the board of trustees, Jordan Museum.

– President of El Hassan Science City, President of Royal Scientific Society

Project initiator:

– Nancy University (HISCANT-MA Histoire et Cultures de l’Antiquité Grecque et Romaine et Moyen Âge).

– GREMMO-Groupe de recherche et d’étude sur la Méditerranée et le Proche-Orient (CNRS)

With the collaboration of:

– Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority

– Cooperation and Cultural Affairs Departments of French Embassy, Amman, Jordan.

Partner institutions:

– French Institute at the Middle East (IFPO)