The Sixth Jordanian Environmental Conference
Organized by
Jordanian Geologists Association
In Cooperation with
German Jordanian University
Al-Hussein Cultural Center, Greater Amman Municipality (GAM)
5-6 June, 2012
Jordanian Geologists Association in Cooperation with German Jordanian University is pleased to announce that the 6th Jordanian Environmental Conference will be held from Tuesday June 5th to Wednesday June 6th 2012 in Al-Hussein Cultural Center, Greater Amman Municipality (GAM), Ammna-Jordan.
The overarching theme of the 6th Jordanian Environmental Conference is “Hot Environmental Issues.” This theme will be addressed during the panels and workshops of the conference throughout five main themes, which are entitled:
1. Nuclear Energy: Benefits & Warnings
2. Natural Resources Exploitation vis a vis Ecosystems Protection
3. Mega Water Projects and the Environmental Concerns: The Red-Dead Canal, Disi Water Conveyance Project and others
4. Cement Industry : Conventional Energy Sources and Alternatives.
5. Green Economy: Challenges and Perspectives
The 6th Conference will feature distinguished keynote speakers representing anti-and pro- specialists on the issues of the arguments as well as action-oriented workshops and will include a day for field visits to sites of hot environmental debate in Jordan such as the proposed site of the military academy project in Bergesh Forest. It is expected that the conference will trigger a rational national dialog of debate regarding these issues and raise social awareness regarding the potential benefits and impacts that the various choices of such human activities will entail to the country.
Any interested specialist, environmental activist, practitioner, and researcher in relevant fields of main themes of the conference is encouraged to contribute an abstract (and if accepted to submit a full paper late on) for presentation and publication in the Proceedings of the 6th Jordanian Environmental Conference of the Jordanian Geologists Association. Detailed abstract guidelines are available online. The detailed full paper guidelines will be sent to applicants whom their abstracts were selected for participation on the conference and publication in the Proceedings of the 6th Jordanian Environmental Conference.