June 25, 2012 12:36 PM
The Daily Star
BEIRUT: Officials from Hezbollah and Amal agreed Monday to form subcommittees to follow up on the deteriorating electricity and water situations in various areas of south Lebanon.
At a meeting in the southern city of Tyre, which included State Minister Mohammad Fneish, MPs Ali Khreis, Ali Bazzi, Hasan Fadlallah and Ali Fayyad, participants agreed to form subcommittees in the area and facilitate the contribution of municipalities in reducing the extent of the crises for two months by turning on available power generators, according to a statement from Hezbollah.
Southern residents have protested for several weeks over the harsh power rationing in the region along with water shortages as a result of the long hours of electricity cuts.
During the meeting in Tyre, the attendees assessed the problems facing both the electricity and water sectors put forward by southern municipalities.
They also agreed to benefit from available resources and prevent violations and problems facing the state-run water and electricity companies that obstruct their operations.
The participants also called for the establishment of a committee of municipality members to implement what was agreed upon during the meeting within 10 days.
Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Local-News/2012/Jun-25/178093-amal-hezbollah-to-form-subcommittees-to-follow-up-water-electricity-crises-in-south.ashx#ixzz1ypEFUD3j
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)