by JT | Jun 05,2012 | 23:51
AMMAN — The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) is drawing up management plans for the newly created Qatar and Ghor Fifa protected areas, RSCN Director General Yehya Khaled said on Monday.
The two reserves in Wadi Araba joined Jordan’s network in July last year to preserve unique ecosystems and locally and globally endangered species.
Khaled made the remarks during the society’s 2012 annual assembly, during which the RSCN’s achievements and plans were reviewed.
In a statement sent to The Jordan Times, Khaled underscored that UNESCO’s declaration of Mujib, to the south of the Dead Sea, as a biosphere reserve is among the society’s major achievements.
An action plan is being drafted to develop the reserve’s eco-tourism and income generation programmes, Khaled said.