full report available http://www.afedonline.org/webreport2018/AFEDReport-financingSDinArabCountries2018-.pdf

17 CHAPTER 1 Overview of Financing Sustainable Development in the Arab Region
Niranjan Sarangi, Hisham Taha, Souraya Zein, Angelic Salha
63 CHAPTER 2 The Role of Arab Development Institutions in Financing Sustainable Development
Abdul-Karim Sadik
85 CHAPTER 3 Innovative Financing
Ibrahim Abdel Gelil
109 CHAPTER 4 Enabling Conditions for Financing Sustainable Development Goals
Hussein Abaza
124 ANNEX Corruption Hinders Financing Sustainable Development
Ayman Algubari
131 CHAPTER 5 Investing In Sustainable Energy
Ahmed Badr, Rana El Guindy, Laura Wiehler and Rawad Rizk