Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm
The Egyptian House of Representatives will issue next week a new water resource and irrigation law that sets penalties for cutting or uprooting trees on public land.
The law stipulates that anyone who violates the provisions of Article No. 9 concerning the disposal of trees and palms on publicly owned lands, whether by cutting or uprooting, shall be punished with a fine of not less than LE1,000 and not more than LE5,000 per tree or palm.
Anyone violating the following articles will be subject to a fine of at least LE2,000 and no more than LE10,000: Paragraph (3) of Clause No. (B) of Article 5, Clause No. (2) of Article 6, Clause No. (10) of Article 93, and Articles No. (18, 19, 23, 24, 31, 41). The penalty will be doubled in the event of a repeated violation.
And violators of Articles Nos. (13, 44, 49) and Clause No. (3) of Article 64 shall be punished with a fine of no less than LE5,000 and no more than LE20,000, with the fine doubling for repeated violations.