Mazin B. Qumsiyeh and Mohammed A. Abusarhan

chapter 1. Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability in Asia Öztürk, M., Altay, V., Efe, R. (eds) . Springer, Cham. 2021.


The rich biodiversity of Palestine is due to geographic and geologic factors and is directly related to why it formed the Western part of the Fertile Crescent where humans first domesticated animals and plants. In this chapter, we review and discuss (1) some of the data known on biodiversity in Palestine, (2) threats to this biodiversity (focusing on three areas, climate change, water and liquid waste, and occupation/colonization), and (3) efforts at environmental conservation. In the threatened areas, we explain potential impact of climate change and the way colonization/occupation has damaged the local environment. We highlight opportunities for moving forward toward a strategy that ensures sustainability of both nature and human population. Environmental education rooted in justice and sustainability will be key factors in forging future strategies.