We lived together, people from all around the world, Israeli and Palestinian, while a horrible war was happening, and we succeeded to be a light for each other, to support each other’s pain and loss and to believe that there should, and there is, another way. Inbar, Jewish Israeli student, Fall 2023

One evening as the song ‘Salam’ played, we spontaneously formed a large circle, hugging each other closely, one next to the other. I looked around and was so happy to see us so close, feeling so safe with each other. You could feel the love shining on everyone’s face. We raised our voices for peace, chanting together and sending our words to the skies. I felt like the whole world could hear us. Palestinian Israeli student, Fall 2023/Spring 2024

I am moved by the fact that for so many of the participants, including me, this is the “family” we wished to be with during these challenging periods. The Dialogue Forum has challenged me to talk about topics that previously would have been too difficult. One can’t understand how precious this place is unless they come here and experience it. Palestinian Israeli student, Fall 2023

When the war broke out, I was in my home in Jerusalem, and I stayed there for the first week. I was hopeless and anxious and afraid. But then I took a bus to the Arava Institute and upon my arrival I saw all the students sitting together, talking openly about their feelings, and strengthening each other. This community helped me believe that there is hope, that even in darkest times we can imagine a better future. Koren, Jewish Israeli student, Fall 2023

Right now, we are all terrified, Jews and Palestinians. Maybe we should just be scared together and filter out the voices that are trying to keep us apart. Being part of the Arava Institute has allowed me to dream that with patience and resilience we can achieve real change. Jawdat, Palestinian Israeli student, Fall 2023/Spring 2024