By JT – May 30,2024 

AMMAN — US Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Samantha Power on Wednesday reaffirmed the continued support for achieving Jordan’s strategic water sector plan and backing government efforts to ensure water security in the country. Minister of Water and Irrigation Raed Abu Soud commended the efforts of the water sector and the close cooperation with USAID in implementing water and sanitation projects funded by the US to find sustainable water solutions in Jordan, according to a statement by the Ministry of Water and Irrigation. USAID has funded many projects in Jordan over the past ten years, with a total value of $1.5 billion. USAID is currently financing several vital projects such as the water loss reduction project, which aims to improve water supply management across all regions of the capital and other governorates.  The water loss reduction project supports the ministry’s efforts to achieve the annual target of reducing water loss by 2 per cent aiming to bring the water loss rate down to 25 per cent by 2040.

Water minister inaugurates Al Waha pumping station – Jordan Times

by JT – May 20,2024 

AMMAN — Minister of Water and Irrigation Raed Abu Saud, and USAID Mission Director Leslie Reed inaugurated Al Waha Water Pumping Station and the rehabilitation of distribution systems in ten areas of the capital on Monday.

The Project, a $33.8 million grant from the U.S. government through USAID aims to reduce water loss across the Kingdom through implementing the 2023-2040 Water Sector Strategic Plan, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.

The projects involved rehabilitating water distribution systems, extending over 110 kilometres of water distribution lines, and improving water supply management to ensure fair distribution to all subscribers.

The USAID also funded a fleet of 45 vehicles equipped with the latest leak detection and maintenance equipment to enhance the capabilities of the Jordan Water Company (Miyahuna) in maintaining networks and reducing water loss. 

The restructuring projects, covering 22 per cent of Amman’s subscribers, reduced energy consumption by 54 per cent through the construction and rehabilitation of three pumping stations. 

Abu Saud also expressed his gratitude and appreciation for USAID’s continuous support of the water sector and protecting Jordan’s limited water resources.

The USAID-funded water loss reduction project aims to improve water supply management across all areas of the capital and the Kingdom’s governorates, meeting the increasing demand, especially during the summer.

It also supports the Mi