Friday, May 21, 2010

BEIRUT: Beirut MP Mohammad Qabbani on Thursday held a news conference at the Parliament in which he announced the recommendations of a regional water forum organized last week in Beirut.

The forum was held with the participation of parliamentarians from the Arab world and surrounding countries (Turkey and Iran) on May13, 14 and 15 in collaboration with the World Water Council.

The event was attended by parliamentarians and other representatives from a number of Arab states along with Turkey and Iran.

The participants discussed the current challenges facing water affairs, touching on some strength points that could be used to develop the water sector and evaluate water resources more accurately.

The forum witnessed talks discussing the creation of a Helpdesk website tasked with assisting parliamentarians in tackling water affairs.

Qabbani, who heads the Public Works, Transport, Energy and Water parliamentary committee outlined some details about the Helpdesk which will provide valuable information.

The Helpdesk will provide evaluations of the water resources of each Arab state; publish recent research on water in the Arab states as well as Turkey and Iran, as well information about conferences, lectures and seminars related to water resources to be held in the region and the world.

According to Qabbani, the Helpdesk would increase awareness and provide general information, help Parliamentarians in resolving water resources-related problems and secure communication with civil society organizations.

Countries will be asked to provide the website with information as well as updating available data.

The Helpdesk will be connected with official websites.

The website would serve the Arab states along with Iran and Turkey. Arabic would be the official language of the website which can also be accessed by English, French and Spanish speakers.

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(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::