contributing to the transfer and implementation of good practices to facilitate the take up of solar energy
Notwithstanding the shared political commitment and a common recognition of the huge solar potential of the Mediterranean region, some obstacles to solar energy deployment and diffusion still persist. With a view to achieving tangible results concerning these challenges, MED-DESIRE will implement a set of actions aiming to remove legal, regulatory, economic and organizational barriers to distributed solar energy generation.
This 36-month long strategic project was officially launched in Rome on 10 and 11 June 2013. The 9 involved organizations discussed all planned activities in order to spread energy efficiency across the Mediterranean area in particular through the definition of innovative financial schemes and market stimulation tools.
MED-DESIRE (“MEDiterranean DEvelopment of Support schemes for solar Initiatives and Renewable Energies”) total budget is € 4.655.007 (90% Programme contribution). Coordinated by the Puglia Region – Research and Competitiveness department – the project partnership gathers actors in charge of the development and implementation energy efficiency policies in Egypt, Italy, Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia.