Location: Chania, Crete
Dates: 23-25 July 2013
source: http://www.cyi.ac.cy/dareclimed-2013-conference.html
The Conference aims to:
I) bring together data owners, data users and stakeholders from the MENA region
II) increase awareness on existing databases on climate, water and energy
III) enhance collaboration and data exchange among Eastern Mediterranean countries
IV) define a common basis for data formats and data quality
Conference Objective:
The main objective of this conference is to disseminate the outcome of the studies conducted within the DARECLIMED project. It targets the regional and international scientific community in the fields of climatology, energy and water, at potential users of the data repository in the regional scientific and administrative community, at EU and regional decision-makers in academic, economic and political circles, and at the general public. The presentations as well as the major results of the conference will be published in a conference proceedings volume
Conference Topics:
The need for environmental data from the Eastern Mediterranean & the Middle East
Water resources in the region
Major scientific challenges related to meteorological observations and climate change in the region
Information on the energy sector
National data repositories & relevant initiatives in the region
Legal, institutional and technical requirements for a common repository
Data harmonisation and data quality