April 28 – 29, 2011 in Berlin / Germany
Climate change is a global phenomenon with comprehensive implications for the eco-, bioand for the anthroposphere. Globally, 20 % of the population will live in water stressed areas by 2080. In the MENA-Region a semi-arid and arid region already being under pressure from water scarcity, severe implications are expected due to changing precipitation patterns and amounts, correlating with increasing temperatures. Growing water demand is already stressing
groundwater resources. The Arab Water Council projects a decrease of 20 % of renewable water esources due to climate change but also the population growth. Thus, water scarcity will affect multiple sectors and impair regional food security and economic development in the MENA countries.
• To discuss Impact of climate change on water resources in the Arab region
• To elaborate adaptation and mitigation strategies on local and regional levels
• To analyse the role of IWRM in the climate change aspects
• To assist the needs for capacity building activities to deal with the situation
• To discuss the possibilities of technologies and research application in the region in regard to climate change adaptation and mitigation
• To discuss the contribution and role of the civil society and the private sector.
1. International aspects of climate change adaptation and mitigation on water resources, adaptation polices and best practises
2. Current situation in the MENA-Region (Contributors from AWC, ACWUA, IUCN, GTZ, KfW, ACSAD, Universities)
3. Role of IWRM, sustainable water management and river basin cooperation
4. Socio-economic aspects, water prices, water efficiency
5. Water technologies and water research, innovative solutions, water and energy, waste water reuse
6. Capacity building, knowledge sharing.
Target Group
Decision makers of InWEnt former capacity building programs, representatives of water ministries and education institutions from the MENA-Region, representatives of German water industries, German teaching and research institutions and German development cooperation agencies.
Dr. Ismail Al Baz, Senior Project Manager
InWEnt – Capacity Building International Germany
Lützowufer 6–9, 10785 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 25482-107, Fax: +49 30 25482-103
ismail.albaz@inwent.org, www.inwent.org