Amman, 13/05/2015

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) organized a regional consultation in Amman on the Arab content of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO). Over 800 experts are working on GEO-6, the sixth edition of the periodic report on the state of the world environment, to be released in 2018. Government and stakeholder representatives discussed with experts enhancing environmental information networking and data gathering, and means to resolve obstacles surrounding access to reliable information.

Authors selected from across the region met for two days to select relevant priorities and devise work plan. On top of priorities considered as representing pressing environmental challenges in the Arab region the group selected: Access to food and water, sustainable use of natural resources and resource efficiency, integrated waste management, environmental health, marine areas, energy mix, climate change, environmental governance.

AFED Secretary General, who participated in the consultations, offered free access to AFED reports to support preparation of GEO-6. Some AFED associates and co-authors will be participating in GEO-6 in various capacities.