Environment and Climate in the Middle East

news, conferences, policy discussions and academic publications on environmental issues and climate change in the Eastern Mediterranean

Environment and Climate in the Middle East

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Israeli and Palestinian cooperation attempts to solve sewage problem – Jerusalem Post

By SARAH VORSANGER/ZAVIT 08/18/2019 Sewage issues in the area surrounding the Kidron Valley in Jerusalem are uniting Jewish and Muslim residents. Jerusalem’s problems usually revolve around religion and politics, but now, there are concerns surrounding its sewage system infrastructure. About 150,000 homes in Jerusalem, the majority in east Jerusalem, are not connected to a proper […]

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What a waste: Jerusalem’s underused sorting center – Haaretz

Progress has been made on the recycling front, but a growing population, bureaucratic hurdles and little awareness provide few reasons for optimism Zafrir Rinat | Aug. 17, 2019 A tour of Jerusalem’s waste sorting center could make visitors optimistic. The ultramodern facility in the Atarot industrial zone is worlds away from the dangerous dump that […]

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Makkah province ranks as 2nd most polluted province in the world in a new Greenpeace report focused on air pollution – Environment and Development

Greenpeace revealed yesterday the results of a global analysis, using satellite data collected by NASA identifying the world’s worst sources of sulphur dioxide (SO2) pollution, an irritant gas known to affect human health and one of the main pollutants contributing to deaths from air pollution worldwide. Julien Jreissati, Campaigner at Greenpeace MENA, said: “The analysis […]

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Technical mishap at Hadassah Hospital causes sewage swamp in Jerusalem – Haaretz

Hadassah doesn’t just develop medication for infections, it’s also creating infections to treat in the future,’ says local resident Nir Hasson | Aug. 25, 2019 A mechanical problem at Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Karem, on the western edge of Jerusalem, has resulted in large quantities of raw sewage flowing into a nearby dry riverbed. The […]

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Tel Aviv beaches fall foul in Israel’s passion for plastic – YNET

Israel’s plastic addiction is starting to take its toll on the Tel Aviv coastline, named third most polluted by plastic waste in the Mediterranean. Young Israelis take initiative in cleaning efforts and raising anti-plastic awareness Associated Press|Published: 08.22.19 , 09:26 In the early morning, when the only sound on Tel Aviv beach is the waves, […]

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Poster animal of battle for wildlife crossing in Israel run over – Haaretz

Gazelle was in advanced stages of pregnancy when hit by a vehicle and died, postmortem reveals Zafrir Rinat | Aug. 23, 2019 The body of a gazelle that had come to symbolize the fight against construction blocking an animal crossing in northern Israel was found dead Wednesday morning. The gazelle, known as Giselle, was hit […]

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The environmental authority frees an endangered eagle-owl kept by a resident of Nablus -WAFA

NABLUS, Thursday, August 22, 2019 (WAFA) – The Environmental Quality Authority (EQA) and the Environmental Police freed today an eagle owl that was in the possession of a resident of the northern West Bank city of Nablus after receiving information about an eagle-owl with a fracture at the tip of its right wing, according to […]

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‘The sea will get as hot as a Jacuzzi’: What life in Israel will be like in 2100 – Haaretz

Winter will get much shorter and even nighttime won’t offer respite from the heat. Israel is warming up, and by the end of the century we simply won’t be able to exist without air conditioning Oded Carmeli | Aug. 15, 2019 “I’m happy I won’t be alive,” says Baruch Rinkevich of Israel Oceanographic and Limnological […]

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Climate change is a Jewish issue – Jerusalem Post

Over the past two decades, the American Jewish establishment has devoted substantial resources to try to address the challenges facing the future of the Jewish community. By ROBERT HORENSTEIN August 3, 2019 20:57 Over the past two decades, the American Jewish establishment has devoted substantial resources to try to address the challenges facing the future […]

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Saving Dead Sea a global responsibility (editorial) – Jordan Times

August 15,2019 Experts are sounding the alarm yet again about the fate of the Dead Sea, and warn that at the current rate of its water depletion and receding shorelines, the Dead Sea will become dead for all intents and purposes in three to four decades. Despite the repeated warnings about the Dead Sea and […]

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Israeli court rules to place limit on amount of water pumped from Dead Sea – Haaretz

Environmental group files petition against Dead Sea Works requesting the company obtain licences to promote more efficient and economical pumping technologies Zafrir Rinat | Aug. 12, 2019 The Haifa District Court ruled on Monday, in response to a petition from environmental group Adam Teva V’Din, that the Dead Sea Works cannot continue to pump water […]

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Regional experts meet to promote green technology development – Jordan Times

By Johanna Montanari – Jul 31,2019 AMMAN — Regional experts have recently gathered in Amman to promote cooperation in the deployment of green technologies, according to a UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) statement. The meeting, titled “Green Technology Transfer, Adaptation and Investment Required for Implementing SDG 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production”, […]

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As fracking poisons the air, Israeli scientists propose to engineer cows – Haaretz

Tackling methane emissions is the ‘low-hanging fruit to slow global warming,’ says scientist behind Cornell fracking study Ruth Schuster | Aug. 14, 2019 | 4:01 PM | 3 Methane levels in the atmosphere have spiked in the last decade, as have the concentrations of carbon dioxide, particle pollution and microplastics. One gas whose concentration has […]

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US water strategy aims to aid Jordan in stopping desertification – Jordan Times

Global water strategy forecasts intensifying water crises in coming decade By Hana Namrouqa – Jul 28,2019 WASHINGTON, DC — Jordan is one of 12 nations listed as high-priority countries under the US Global Water Strategy, which envisions a water-secure world by implementing multi-year, country specific water plans, according to an official at the US Department […]

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EBRD to finance largest private-to-private solar project in Jordan yet – Jordan Times

Aug 01,2019 AMMAN — The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) announced on Wednesday it would grant a $35-million financial package to support Jordan’s largest private-to-private solar project in Jordan yet. Under new regulations that allow private consumers to establish their own energy facilities under a process known as “wheeling” that transports electricity from […]

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Controlling energy costs / electricity theft – Jordan Times

Controlling energy costs (editorial) Aug 03,2019 Minister of State for Media Affairs Jumana Ghunaimat assured the country on Tuesday that there will be no hike in electricity rates “during the upcoming period”. This news comes as a big relief to the people, especially during the long, hot summer days and nights, when temperatures soar and […]

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Reversing decades-old policy, Israel to allow some harvesting of wild herbs – Haaretz

Decision follows complaints by Arabs who gather hyssop for za’atar and Greek sage Zafrir Rinat | Aug. 6, 2019 The Nature and Parks Authority will be changing its policy to allow people to cut certain protected wild herbs in small quantities for personal use, and focus instead on enforcement against those collecting these herbs in […]

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Environmental Peacebuilding Newsletter, August 2019

EcoPeace in the Media July, 2019, The Wilson Quarterly Sea, Sun, and Peace? by Naomi Zeveloff A must read on the work of environmental peacebuilding Upcoming Events If you happen to be in New York for Climate Week this September, The Sabin Center For Climate Change Law, Columbia Law School, will be host to all […]

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Sea, Sun, and Peace? – Wilson Quarterly

By Naomi Zeveloff An environmental group wants to unite Israelis, Palestinians, and Jordanians behind the idea that water can bring peace in the Middle East. In the Middle East, water has been a source of conflict since ancient times. In the Book of Chronicles, King Hezekiah of Judah stops the flow of a spring and […]

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Israel’s air pollution among OECD highest: How do we reduce exposure? – YNET

The figures are troubling and undeniable – Israel is ranked very high in the air pollution index, which results in thousands of deaths each year. It is a phenomenon that must be monitored and calls for appropriate action. But how do we do that? Kobi Libermann, in collaboration with Dyson|Published: 08.04.19 The state of air […]

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