Environment and Climate in the Middle East

news, conferences, policy discussions and academic publications on environmental issues and climate change in the Eastern Mediterranean

Environment and Climate in the Middle East

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Kinneret at highest October levels in six years – Jerusalem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 10/10/2012 This year’s early rains encourage water officials; water level stands at 212.345 meters below sea level. As rain begins to dampen the streets of central and northern Israel this fall, experts find the water level of Lake Kinneret (the Sea of Galilee) to be encouraging – but with no correlation to […]

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Foreign fish threaten Israeli marine life in Eastern Mediterranean sea – Haaretz

Newcomers from Indian Ocean, Red Sea migrate via Suez Canal, threatening Israeli fishing industry. By Zafrir Rinat | Sep.19, 2012 An invasion of fish species into the eastern Mediterranean Sea has brought about dramatic changes in the fishing industry and threatens local species, new Israeli research indicates. The scope of the fish invasion is the […]

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Najjar calls for sustainable solutions to address groundwater depletion – Jordan Times

by Hana Namrouqa | Oct 08, 2012 AMMAN — Ten of the Kingdom’s 12 aquifers are overexploited, which is projected to further limit water supply, deteriorate groundwater quality and harm the country’s fragile ecosystems, a senior government official said on Monday. Decreasing water amounts due to changing climate patterns, coupled with a growing population and […]

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Protecting Ground Water – Friends of the Earth Middle East

The “Protecting Groundwater” project aims to promote sustainable management of water resources and alleviate pollution of groundwater in Mediterranean Basins. In November 2011 a new project for protecting groundwater in the Mediterranean Basin was established. FoEME is teaming up with the province of Malaga, Spain in order to promote sustainable groundwater resources in the Mediterranean […]

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The Water Regime in the West Bank – This Week in Palestine

By Matthew Richard and Jad Issac For more than 44 years, the Israeli Occupation has violated the Palestinian right to the equitable and reasonable utilisation of shared water resources. Following the 1967 War, Israel initiated its occupation of the Palestinian territory and swiftly imposed military orders to achieve ultimate control over land and water resources. […]

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Air Pollution in Palestine – This Week in Palestine

By Mohammad Karaeen Air pollution is a concentration of foreign matter in the air that adversely affects the health and welfare of people. Air pollutants are the liquid, solid, gaseous, radioactive, or microbial chemicals suspended in the air that are caused by different human activities related to industry, construction, transportation, or natural resources. Such pollutants […]

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Environmental Actors in Palestine – This Week in Palestine

By Svenja Oberender and Johannes Manz The diverse NGO landscape in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) can be confusing. Its fragmentation sometimes has a paralysing effect on the search for local partnerships and cooperation. A case in point is the environmental sector. A recent mapping study, conducted by Nada Majdalani Azzeh on behalf of the […]

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Teaching Our Palestinian Children Environmentalism – This Week in Palestine

By Paola Handal-Michael When I first started working in elementary schools in Palestine, I was flabbergasted by the amount of waste on the floor. At the end of recess, the school yard was usually filthy: candy wrappers on the floor, bamba and potato chip bags everywhere, and ice cream sticks thrown on the grass and […]

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The Environmental Nakba – This Week in Palestine

By Abeer Abu Aisha At the end of August, Friends of the Earth Scotland vice-chair Eurig Scandrett joined Bobby Peek from Friends of the Earth South Africa (groundWork) as part of a three-day international delegation to the West Bank. At the invitation of Friends of the Earth Palestine (PENGON), they were asked to witness and […]

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Israel’s Tent-City Movement Promotes Social Justice, but is it Green? – GZA

By Sarah Friedman, Tel Aviv, Sept. 13, 2012 Source: Green Zionist Alliance It began with exorbitantly expensive cottage cheese and unaffordable rent. As more people joined together, united by disaffection with their economic status and lack of opportunities, the grievances of the Israeli masses gradually coalesced into the agenda of the social-justice movement that reached […]

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Fields of Heaven – Huffington Post

Fields of Heaven: A Joint Israeli-Palestinian Farm May Take Root in West Bank by Harvey Stein. Posted: 08/22/2012 For the last year or so, I’ve been spending time with unlikely friends: a loose group of West Bank Palestinians and Jewish settlers, most of them neighbors, living within a few miles of each other. The mainstreams […]

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Yemen allocates $200 million USD for irrigation, food security [OOSKAnews]

28 Sep 2012 – 00:00 by OOSKAnews Correspondent YEMEN, SANAA — The Yemeni government this week announced it was allocating $200 million USD for projects to improve irrigation and food security. The funding is part of the Phasal Program for Development and Stability, adopted by the government for the period of 2012 to 2014. The […]

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Israel, Jordan taking steps to clean up Jordan River water – Haaretz

Friends of the Earth-Middle East, consisting of Israelis, Jordanians and Palestinians, has successfully pressured their governments into acting to save the river. By Zafrir Rinat | Oct.02, 2012 The water of the Jordan River, debilitated by waste and intensely utilized for agriculture, may finally become cleaner thanks to steps now being taken by the governments […]

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Israel’s water situation has its ups and downs – Haaretz

Dead Sea loses 1.5 meters since last October, Kinneret highest in five years. By Zafrir Rinat | Oct.02, 2012 The Dead Sea is sinking fast. Over the last year the level of salty inland sea has gone down by 1.5 meters (over 4.5 feet), the sharpest decline in its recorded history, according to the October-to-October […]

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Campaign pushes government to save Litani from pollution – Daily Star

October 01, 2012 01:14 AM By Van Meguerditchian QARAOUN, Lebanon: A comprehensive plan encompassing all levels of government is required to save the Litani River and Qaraoun reservoirfrom pollution, civil society activists and government officials said Sunday. In a media tour to the Litani River basin in the Bekaa and Qaraoun Resevoir, the Association of […]

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Final stage of long-awaited Sidon dump closure set to launch – Daily Star

October 04, 2012 01:13 AM By Mohammed Zaatari SIDON, Lebanon: The municipality of Sidon will launch Thursday a long-awaited project aimed at closing down the city’s dump. The site has caused a catalog of environmental disasters and fires over the years, severely damaging the city’s development progress. Plans show that the city’s dump, which currently […]

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Eilot brings in packaging waste collection – Jerusalem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 10/02/2012 23:19 Eilot Regional Council are the first authority in Israel to put new Packaging Law in action with large orange bins. In the Eilot Regional Council, large orange bins are joining the green garbage collection vessels on the streets, making the council Israel’s first authority to begin putting the terms of […]

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Solar water heaters to be obligatory for new buildings – Jordan Times

Gov’t unveils new measures to recharge renewable energy drive by Taylor Luck | Sep 30, 2012 AMMAN — Officials on Sunday unveiled new measures paving the way for citizens to sell electricity back to the national grid in a bid to encourage renewable energy use across the country. According to the Ministry of Energy, the […]

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The fight to preserve Israel’s environment has just begun – Haaretz

Looking back from age 93, Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel founder Azaria Alon describes how lonely it felt to be battling against the cement-and-mortar ethos that pervaded Israel in the state’s early years By Zafrir Rinat | Oct.01, 2012 Teva Ve’adam ‏(Man and Nature‏) by Azaria Alon. Am Oved (Hebrew), 298 pages, […]

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Environmentalists gather to protest Road 16 plans – Jerusalem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 10/02/2012 23:28 Hundreds hike to Jerusalem Forest to celebrate western woods and protest plans to divide area with multi-lane highway. Hundreds hiked into the Jerusalem Forest on Tuesday in a mass effort to celebrate the city’s western woods and protest plans to divide the area with a multi-lane highway. Road 16, slated […]

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