Environment and Climate in the Middle East

news, conferences, policy discussions and academic publications on environmental issues and climate change in the Eastern Mediterranean

Environment and Climate in the Middle East

Report: Israel shuts off water to Jordan Valley farms Ma’an

Four days after an Israeli minister threatened to restrict the West Bank’s water supply, Israeli authorities closed off the main water source used for agriculture in a Jordan Valley village on Sunday, committee members and lawyers said. The Bardalah village’s farmers could stand to lose not only profit, but the land’s viability, and have protested […]

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Israel threatens to shut off taps for West Bank water Ma’an

08/04/2010 15:32 Bethlehem – Ma’an – Israeli Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau threatened to restrict the West Bank water supply if no sewage treatment plants were installed in the area, a UN alert warned on Wednesday. The official reportedly told Israel’s Army Radio that “They get clean water from us, and in return they give us […]

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African land grab not a cure to Arab food concerns Arabian Business

by Neeraj Gangal As desertification dries up farmland across the Arab world, the region’s governments cannot remedy concerns about food security solely by looking to Africa for agricultural production, a regional expert said. Desertification threatens 20 percent of the already dry Middle East and North Africa, pushing many states to invest in African farmland to […]

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[MENA-Water] e-learning on renewable energy desalination

Dear colleagues, the use of renewable energy for desalination is attracting more and more attention since its potential for the Mediterranean region is huge. The ProDes project (www.prodes-project.org) has done a lot of work promoting the technology and training a large number of people. Now an e-learning course is offered for the first time, allowing […]

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Water Security for Policy Makers and Practitioners: short course 2010 University of East Anglia

Water Security for Policy Makers and Practitioners: short course 2010 International Development UEA and Water Security Research Centre, University of East Anglia 24 – 28 May 2010 (5 days) for details see http://www.uea.ac.uk/dev/co/prodev/wspmp2010

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Experts to review region’s water challenges, aspirations Jordan Times

By Mohammad Ben Hussein AMMAN – Water experts from across the Kingdom and the Arab world are scheduled to meet in Amman this week to discuss regional water security, according to organisers. The event, which is being hosted by the Jordan Engineers Association (JEA) at the Professional Associations Complex in Shmeisani, will highlight Arab-Israeli water […]

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Jordan, EU embark on joint safety project Jordan Times

By Taylor Luck AMMAN – The EU and Jordan on Monday embarked on a two-year nuclear safety project, according to officials. EU and Jordan Nuclear Regulatory Commission (JNRC) officials met in Amman yesterday to identify areas of cooperation to develop the Kingdom’s nuclear regulatory framework, according to the JNRC. During the next four days, they […]

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Competition to boost students’ environmental awareness Jordan Times

By Hana Namrouqa AMMAN – Students across the country will soon be acquainted with the dangers facing biological diversity in Jordan, home to scores of regionally and globally endangered species. Under the “Environment and Agriculture” competition, launched this week by the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN), thousands of students will be encouraged […]

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Experts say more cooperation needed to face water crisis Jordan Times

By Mohammad Ben Hussein AMMAN – Water experts on Tuesday called for greater coordination and sharing of information among Arab countries to tackle the challenge of water scarcity and the threat of climate change. During a one-day seminar on water security in the Arab world, experts from Jordan, Palestine, Egypt and other countries discussed means […]

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Invitation to an energy crisis Jordan Times

By Anas F. Alhajji As rising consumption and nationalism in OPEC countries pushes down their crude-oil exports and forces international oil companies to invest in high-cost areas with small reserves as global demand continues to grow, oil prices might ultimately shatter the record set in 2008. In the short run, heightened volatility will be the […]

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Kingdom to receive final $45m for Gulf War environmental damage Jordan Times

By Hana Namrouqa AMMAN – Jordan will receive $45 million plus interest this month from the UN Compensation Committee (UNCC) for damage incurred during the first Gulf War, a senior government official said on Wednesday. The funds represent the third and final instalment of compensation for damage the Kingdom’s water, environment, wildlife, marine life and […]

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‘Public would spend NIS 415m. on dirty streams’ Jerusalem Post

By EHUD ZION WALDOKS 24/03/2010 03:11 All of Israel’s streams are polluted, from a variety of sources. Residents are willing to allocate NIS 246 per year of their household’s tax money to rehabilitate streams, a study by Zalul environmental economist Dr. Boaz Barak has found. The survey was released on Tuesday. The study – “How […]

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‘No guiding hand directs water sector’ Jerusalem Post

By RON FRIEDMAN 25/03/2010 16:52 Landau’s remedy for the water crisis: Give his ministry additional authority. A day after the publication of the Bein report on Israel’s ongoing water crisis, National Infrastructures Minister Uzi Landau held a press conference in Tel Aviv on Thursday, to speak about the report’s findings and present a new bill […]

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C’tee urges changes to water economy Jerusalem Post

By EHUD ZION WALDOKS 25/03/2010 07:27 Nation on verge of water crisis due to pollution, lack of enforcement. The National Investigation Committee – Regarding the Water Crisis in Israel did not recommend any sweeping changes to the way the government handles the country’s water resources in its final report released on Wednesday. Instead, in a […]

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Landau to present low water stats Jerusalem Post

By EHUD ZION WALDOKS 28/03/2010 Infrastructures minister will tell cabinet annual rainfall was below average. National Infrastructures Minister Uzi Landau will tell the cabinet on Sunday, during a briefing about the status of the water economy, that overall rainfall was still below average this year. Alongside Water Authority head Prof. Uri Shani and Mekorot director-general […]

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Forum puts energy efficiency on the map Jerusalem Post

By EHUD ZION WALDOKS 30/03/2010 23:33 NGO pushes for “virtual power stations” – the ones you can avoid building by cutting electricity use. Practical environmentalism might be a good way to describe what the Israel Energy Forum does. The two-year-old nongovernmental organization “aims to develop energy policy from a full-picture perspective. We start from the […]

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Eco-activist faces down suits from firm he fought to create Haaretz

By Zafrir Rinat Daniel Morgenstern, a veteran environmental activist and economic adviser, has fought for eco-friendly legislation for years. His efforts paid off in 2001 when the Knesset passed the Deposit Law on Beverage Containers, requiring soft drink manufacturers to recycle 65 percent of all bottles with volumes of less than 1.5 liters. A recycling […]

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Bill would make local councils responsible for building waste Haaretz

By Zafrir Rinat The Environmental Protection Ministry is to promote new regulations for the removal of construction waste, making local authorities responsible for such dumping. The ministry, which only manages to stop one out of every thousand illegal dumpings of construction waste, wants the regulations to ensure that construction waste reaches only legal dumps. Waste […]

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A recycling revolution? Haaretz

By Zafrir Rinat The last place one would think to go to enjoy a cup of coffee is probably the Hiriya landfill (Ayalon Park). However, as of a few months ago, the site has a cafe where you can sit next to a pleasant pool, surrounded by abundant greenery, adjacent to a new visitors center. […]

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Viewers held their breath as the lesser kestrel laid an egg Haaretz

By Eli Ashkenazi On Friday afternoon it happened: The lesser kestrel from the Hatikvah School in Moshav Elyakim laid an egg. Dozens of thrilled onlookers watched and reminded each other about the history of the kestrel family that is about to expand. After the lives of entertainer Shimi Tavori and his four children, or the […]

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