Environment and Climate in the Middle East

news, conferences, policy discussions and academic publications on environmental issues and climate change in the Eastern Mediterranean

Environment and Climate in the Middle East

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Adopt a Negotiator – Global Campaign for Climate Action

Adopt a Negotiator http://adoptanegotiator.org/ We have a number of fellowships available for talented young people (ages 18 – 30) who are willing to actively contribute to Adopt a Negotiator between now and the end of the 2012, including attending the Doha Climate Change Conference this November. Read the information below and if you are up […]

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No proof of arson as fires rage in Galilee, Jerusalem – Haaretz

Two homes were severly damaged by the blaze, which began at around 3 P.M. and took 30 firefighters and firefighting aircraft to douse. Two other homes were slightly damaged. By Revital Hovel and Nir Hasson | Aug.10, 2012 | Residents were allowed to return to their homes yesterday in the Lower Galilee community of Tivon […]

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Morsy’s cleaning campaign scrutinized – Egypt Independent

Raghda Mohamed Sun, 05/08/2012 Under the hot Ramadan sun, young people have gathered in the streets in an attempt to carry the momentum of President Mohamed Morsy’s “A Clean Homeland” campaign, where he pledged to fix waste and cleanliness problems in all governorates. Wearing a t-shirt with the 100-days campaign logo, university student Abdel Rahman […]

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‘Irrigation water for winter crops secured’ – Jordan Times

by Hana Namrouqa | Aug 10, 2012 AMMAN — Sufficient amounts of water have been secured for Jordan Valley farmers as they start preparing their land to cultivate winter crops, officials said on Thursday. A total of 100 million cubic metres (mcm) is required for the irrigation of winter crops, locally referred to as orweh […]

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Expansion eats up Bekaa’s bread basket – Daily Star

August 13, 2012 By Rakan al-Fakih BAALBEK, Lebanon: The fertile plain of the Bekaa Valley is on the verge of losing its reputation as “Rome’s bread basket,” a nickname it has held for thousands of years after providing wheat to the Roman Empire. In recent years, urban expansion has invaded arable land from the western […]

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Environmentalists irate after Abdali developer permitted to remove over 500 trees – Jordan Times

by Hana Namrouqa | Aug 12, 2012 AMMAN — A group of environmental societies on Sunday urged the government to withdraw its approval of a request by an investment company to uproot hundreds of trees from central Amman. The Abdali development project, which is building towers and commercial boulevards in Abdali in central Amman, has […]

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Gouna: Egypt’s No. 1 eco-friendly destination? – Egypt Idependent

Britain Eakin Mon, 06/08/2012 Nestled beside the turquoise waters of the Red Sea, Gouna is one of Egypt’s most picturesque tourist destinations. The town’s modern-looking houses and hotels hug the shores of its artificial lagoons, and the earth-toned architecture only adds to its charm. Driving into Gouna and past the town’s bike path, surf shops, […]

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Less than 30% of Israelis use public transit – YNET

Israel has one of lowest rates of public transport use among developed nations, study shows; getting more people to ride buses could save country up to NIS 400 million a year Ofer Petersburg Published: 08.13.12 Only 30% of Israelis use public transit – one of the lowest rates in the world, a new study commissioned […]

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Israeli inventor presents: $9 cardboard bike – YNET

Israeli inventor Izhar Gafni recently came up with a unique new invention – a cardboard bicycle. According to Newsgeek, Gafni started working on the unconventional bike after learning of a man who had built a canoe using unexpectedly water-resistant material. “I went home and it sort of disturbed me. This canoe made out of cardboard […]

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Israel expected to approve first national plan to combat air pollution – Haaretz / YNET

Israel expected to approve first national plan to combat air pollution Haaretz Critics say plan is not enough to clean our air. By Zafrir Rinat | Aug.08, 2012 A decision at a ministerial meeting scheduled for Wednesday could change the way Israel handles air pollution, the environmental woe that arguably poses the gravest threat to […]

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Greenhouses turn refugee camp rooftops into urban farms – UNWRA

7 August 2012 Bethlehem, West Bank In Bethlehem’s crowded Dheisheh refugee camp, space is at a premium. Families are cramped in small shelters, with only narrow alleyways separating them. With little room for families to grow, the thought of growing food has always been out of the question. That was the case until Karama (“dignity” […]

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Jerusalem area fire contained; 4 Palestinians arrested – Jerusalem Post / YNET

Jerusalem area fire contained; 4 Palestinians arrested -YNET Over 40 firefighting squads, at least two planes extinguish large fire near Moshav Even Sapir; Jerusalem Police: Four Palestinians arrested in connection with blaze Ynet reporters Latest Update: 08.08.12, 17:52 / Israel News Two large fires broke out near Moshav Even Sapir in the Jerusalem area and […]

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Pipeline blast stops Iraq oil flow to Turkey – Jordan Times

Reuters | Aug 06, 2012 | 23:45 ANKARA — An explosion overnight on a pipeline carrying about a quarter of Iraqi crude exports from oilfields near the city of Kirkuk has knocked out flows and repairs are expected to take up to 10 days, Turkish energy ministry officials said on Monday. Exports from the pipeline […]

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Egyptians criticize government after repeated power cuts – Al Arabiya

Electricity outages across Egypt Thursday disrupted the bourse, halted commuters on the capital’s metro, causing further upheaval and anger over the problem that is plaguing the country., The opening session for Egypt’s bourse was postponed an hour due to the electricity blackout, Al Arabiya television reported, while Cairo’s metro lines one and two were not […]

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Gov’t to finance garbage-to-electricity facilities – Jerusalem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 08/09/2012 Environment Ministry will fund NIS 70 million green garbage-to-electricity facilities. The Environmental Protection Ministry will be allocating NIS 70 million toward the establishment of green energy generation facilities that transform garbage into useable electricity, the ministry announced on Wednesday. This week, ministry officials turned to industry developers, informing them that they […]

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‘Reduced solar tariffs can save consumers billions’ – Jerusalem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 08/08/2012 Consumers will benefit from lower equipment costs, says utility authority; renewable energy experts demand further assessment. As the costs of photovoltaic equipment and installation fees decline, significantly reducing solar feed-in tariffs would bring NIS 2 billion in savings for Israeli electricity consumers, the Public Utility Authority has said. The PUA will […]

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Environmental Protection Ministry takes on gas fumes – YNET

Minister Erdan orders gas stations to install fume reduction systems by end of 2015 Billie Frenkel Published: 08.08.12 All of Israel’s gas stations will be made to install fume reduction systems by the end of 2015, the Environmental Protection Ministry said Sunday. The ministry said that the new regulations are a somewhat late addition to […]

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Eco Logic / Keeping Israel’s springs natural – Haaretz

While development at natural springs can make them more tourist-friendly, environmentalists caution that it can also lead to their destruction. By Zafrir Rinat | Aug.09, 2012 Some of the most popular Israeli travel guides invite hikers to visit natural springs. The success of these books may be attributed to the draw that bodies of water […]

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Anger boils in Sidon over power, water cuts – Daily Star

August 06, 2012 By Mohammed Zaatari SIDON, Lebanon: Sidon residents are losing patience with the increasingly long power outages in the southern city this summer, as the cuts have left residents without water or sleep and light on cash. Power cutoffs can last for up to 20 hours a day, and regularly go on for […]

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Netanyahu lashes out against Carmel fire c’tee – Jerusalem Post

By JOANNA PARASZCZUK 08/07/2012 There are fires all over the world and no investigative committees, prime minister says at comptroller’s hearing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu lashed out against the ongoing investigation into his government’s response to the 2010 Carmel Forest fire at the State Controller’s Knesset hearing on the issue Tuesday. Speaking at a special […]

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