Environment and Climate in the Middle East

news, conferences, policy discussions and academic publications on environmental issues and climate change in the Eastern Mediterranean

Environment and Climate in the Middle East

The half-full glass: Could ‘water diplomacy’ bring peace to the Mideast? Haaretz

Water could be the main factor in even bloodier conflicts than those we have become accustomed to. But it doesn’t have to be that way: Water could also be a source of security, prosperity and peace. By Netta Ahituv || 29.11.14 || Source: Haaretz We should not let ourselves be fooled by the rainstorm that […]

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The Last Train [NYTimes]

The Last Train, Thomas Friedman, Source: New York Times, Oct. 25, 2014 WHEN Secretary of State John Kerry began his high-energy effort to forge an Israeli-Palestinian peace, I argued that it was the last train for a two-state solution. If it didn’t work, it would mean that the top-down, diplomatically constructed two-state concept was over […]

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A missed opportunity for Israel at the UN Climate Summit JPost

Better energy: A missed opportunity for Israel at the UN Climate Summit By YOSEF I. ABRAMOWITZ || 09/16/2014 || Jerusalem Post / JTA This Jewish New Year is different than all past ones, for it is the last observance of shmita – the sabbatical year for the environment. The largest climate march in history will […]

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Looking back on 5774: A year of environmental triumph and tragedy [Haaretz]

In this holiday season of retrospection, we would do well to consider the wisdom of Israel’s mad race forward, where development and population growth are paramount social objectives. By Alon Tal     | Sep. 24, 2014 | Source: http://www.haaretz.com/life/nature-environment/.premium-1.617233 Tradition holds that our planet was fashioned on Rosh Hashanah. This period, as we prepare to […]

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Peretz Calls on Israelis, Palestinians to Make Climate Cooperation a Bridge to Peace [JSpace News]

by Tamar Auber, 25 Sept. 2014. Source: JSpace news Tuesday, Sept. 23rd 2014, in New York City, over 125 world leaders gathered at the United Nations to talk about the need for international action to help stop climate change. In his mid-day talk with the press, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed the importance of the historic […]

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EU-Egypt water talks: water scarcity at the centre of the discussions

23-9-2014. Source: EU Neighbourhood Info Centre The issue of water scarcity has been at the centre of the EU-Egypt Water Talk co-hosted by the Delegation of the European Union to Egypt and the Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation in Alexandria. In all, 150 experts, academics, senior civil officials and project managers from donor […]

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New guidebook to help Southern Mediterranean cities develop Sustainable Energy Action Plan

Published: 22.9.2014 // Source: EU Neighbourhood Info Center The European Commission has published a guidebook on ‘How to develop a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) in South Mediterranean Cities’. The purpose of this guidebook is to make energy efficiency and climate change mitigation measures relevant, achievable and compelling to local authorities in the southern Mediterranean […]

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Israel signs 15-year natural gas deal with Jordan [Haaretz]

An industry official who asked not to be identified said the deal was worth about $15 billion. By Steven Scheer and Tova Cohen     Sep. 3, 2014 REUTERS – Israel will sign a deal to supply natural gas from its Leviathan field to Jordan for 15 years, Israeli Energy Minister Silvan Shalom said on Wednesday. […]

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Regional Autumn School: “Natural Resource Rights in the Arab Middle East and North Africa”

for information and registration: click here. Heinrich Böll Foundation, represented through its offices in Ramallah, Beirut, Tunis, and Rabat in cooperation with the International Union for Conservation of Nature / Regional Office for West Asia (IUCN ROWA), will be hosting a regional Autumn School “Natural Resource Rights in the Arab Middle East and North Africa” […]

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How sewage is bridging the Israeli-Palestinian divide in Jerusalem [CSM]

One-third of Jerusalem’s sewage runs untreated into the West Bank, ruining the historic Kidron Valley. Now an Israeli-Palestinian team is working to rehabilitate it. By Christa Case Bryant /December 6, 2013 / Source: The Christian Science Monitor [Chelsea Sheasley contributed reporting from Jerusalem] JERUSALEM; & UBIEDYEH, WEST BANK When 1 in 3 residents of Jerusalem […]

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Jordan to import coal via Israel, due to closure of its Syrian channel [Haaretz]

In a complicated arrangement, the Israel Electric Corporation will buy coal, re-sell it to a foreign company and transport it to the border. By Avi Bar-Eli  | Dec. 3, 2013 | Ha’aretz, source A three-way agreement under which Israel will sell imported coal to Jordan via a group of private companies is expected to get […]

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Gaza Need Not Be a Sewer [ New York Times – OP-ED]

Gaza Need Not Be a Sewer By Alon Tal and and Yousef Abu-Mayla OP-ED published Dec. 2, 2013. Source: NYTimes, access here For two decades, Palestinian and Israeli environmentalists set aside their differences to call for urgent measures to address the impending water crisis in the Gaza Strip. These calls went unheeded. The price of […]

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New publication: Evaluation and Monitoring of a Long-Term Peace and Environmental Education Program in a Region of Intractable Conflict

Sagy, Gonen & Saulino, Vera. (2013). Evaluation and Monitoring of a Long-Term Peace and Environmental Education Program in a Region of Intractable Conflict. Empowering Sustainability International Journal, 1(1). Source: http://escholarship.org/uc/item/15j151tr Abstract: Managing long-term peace and environmental education programs toward positive encounters and peace building in a region of intractable conflict requires constant evaluation and monitoring […]

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Energy efficiency to boost employment: EU project leads Cairo climate talks [ENPI-Info]

30-10-2013. Source: EU Neighbourhood Info Centre An EU-funded project promoting energy efficiency in construction, Med-ENEC II, recently led a discussion on energy efficiency and its potential to boost employment and energy needs in Egypt by reducing energy consumption, as part of the Cairo Climate Talks. The Cairo Climate Talks are a series of events meant […]

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EU-Palestine water cooperation stronger after implementation of research project [ENPI-info]

15-10-2013. Source: ENPI-info The production of a business plan, enhanced capacities in research fund raising, technical knowledge, and stronger potential for more integration in the European Research Area: these are some of the outcomes celebrated during the final conference of the PERA (Palestine for European Research Area) project, which has taken place in Tulkram, Palestine. […]

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Israeli authorities not ready for rapid expansion of recycling program

From 10,000 Israeli households separating their garbage four years ago, 215,000 do so today. The trend is favorable, but separation facilities are not keeping up with the demand. By Zafrir Rinat     | Jun. 24, 2013 | Source:  Haaretz Three years after the Environmental Protection Ministry began promoting its garbage-sorting and recycling project, household waste […]

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Two decades after Oslo Accords, Arava Institute seeks conservation over conflict [JNS.org]

Posted on September 15, 2013 by Robert Gluck / source: JNS.org Sept. 13 marked the 20th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, and Middle East peace remains elusive. But rather than focusing on the latest round of Israeli-Palestinian conflict negotiations, the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies (AIES) aims to train a new generation of environmental leaders […]

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New Publication: Discourses of Abundance: Transitions in Israel’s Energy Regime

Discourses of Abundance: Transitions in Israel’s Energy Regime by Naama Teschner & Jouni Paavolab Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, Vol. 15, Iss. 3, 2013, pages 447-466 DOI:10.1080/1523908X.2013.776954 abstract:This article examines an on-going socio-technical transition of the Israeli energy regime. This transition includes a shift away from a discourse about the scarcity of energy to […]

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Palestine: EU contributes to construction of wastewater treatment plant

19-09-2013. Source: EU Neighborhood info centre The EU, the Palestinian Authority and the German government have marked the award of more than €40 million to construct a wastewater treatment plant in East Nablus. The large-scale project is funded through a €20 million contribution by the EU, a €21.8 million contribution by the German government as […]

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New publication: Peace and Pollution [Journal of Peacebuilding & Development]

Citation: Ilan Alleson, Jamie Levin, Shmuel Brenner & Mohammad Said Al Hmaidi. (2013). Peace and Pollution: An Examination of Palestinian—Israeli Trans-Boundary Hazardous Waste Management 20 Years after the Oslo Peace Accords. Journal of Peacebuilding & Development, 8(1), pp. 15-29. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15423166.2013.785651#.Uh5dkxaBq5c Abstract: As part of the Oslo Accords, Israel and the Palestinian Authority agreed to jointly […]

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