Environment and Climate in the Middle East

news, conferences, policy discussions and academic publications on environmental issues and climate change in the Eastern Mediterranean

Environment and Climate in the Middle East

Environmental group proposes e-waste treatment to Knesset – Jerusalem Post

By ANNA RUDNITSKAYA 01/03/2011 13:15 Israelis set to embrace an eco-friendly way of disposing of electronic devices, says Israel Union for Environmental Defense. Every year, Israelis produce dozens of tons of electronic waste – cell phones, computer monitors, fax and copy machines that contain lead, cadmium, mercury and other dangerous toxins. When buried in the […]

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How do we influence people to adopt green habits when no one sees them? – Haaretz

The psychology of inducing environmental consumerism is based not so much on copycats as hitchhikers By Rachel Talshir Three weeks ago, I described the centrality of social pressure in turning people into green consumers. I illustrated the idea with the movement from disposable bags to sustainable baskets and how a major role is played by […]

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Erdan: Climate change poses national security risk – Jerusalem Post

By RON FRIEDMAN “When we look to the long term, we have to change the way we measure success in protecting national security, environmental protection minister says. In a keynote address to the Conference on Environment and Security, held at Tel Aviv University on Tuesday, Environmental Protection Minister Gilad Erdan warned that Israel was not […]

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Pilot project to rehabilitate pastures, support livestock breeders – Jordan Times

By Hana Namrouqa AMMAN – Water, fodder and veterinary services will be provided to herders in the eastern badia under a $2-million agreement signed by the ministries of environment and agriculture on Monday. Several projects will be implemented in the area as part of a pilot project designed to rehabilitate pastures and support livestock breeding […]

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‘Global warming will make Mediterranean less salty’ – Jerusalem Post

by JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICH Italian expert warns of consequences for the sea; Jerusalem workshop marks decade-long marine life census. The Mediterranean Sea will not become more salty due to the growth of desalination plants that leave salt residue behind, according to an Italian expert who participated in a decade-long census of world marine life. Instead, said […]

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Study: Carmel fire sign of climate change – YNET

Israel’s worst-ever forest fire earlier this month confirms predictions on the impact of global warming in the Mediterranean basin, according to one of Israel’s leading climate experts. “The fire disaster in the Carmel Mountains near Haifa is a taste of the future,” Guy Pe’er, co-author of Israel’s National Report on Climate Change, said on Wednesday. […]

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Leviathan gas well estimated at $45B – YNET

Reservoir located off of Haifa coast said to contain 453 billion cubic meters of natural gas, making it decade’s largest gas discovery Tani Goldstein The Leviathan exploration prospect, which is located northwest of the coast of Haifa, contains 80% more natural gas than the Tamar reservoir, which was previously considered Israel’s largest drilling site, a […]

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Only 1 of 5 cities has a plan for reducing pollution – Jerusalem Post

By EHUD ZION WALDOKS 12/28/2010 02:42 Only Tel Aviv-Jaffa is ready to approve a plan to reduce pollution from transportation, the Knesset Health and Environment Committee was told Monday. The committee met to follow up on the implementation of Correction 84 to the Traffic Order. Correction 84 authorizes municipalities to draw up plans to reduce […]

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National rules approved for photovoltaic solar facilities – Jerusalem Post

By EHUD ZION WALDOKS 12/27/2010 05:01 Solar installations will be allowed in the area around Beersheba, Gaza envelope, and Golan Heights in order to bring business to the periphery. The cabinet approved on Sunday the national master plan for photovoltaic (PV) solar installations of up to 750 dunams (75 hectares). National Master Plan 10D simplifies […]

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All coal-fired power stations to get filters – Jerusalem Post

By EHUD ZION WALDOKS 12/27/2010 05:10 Erdan: Measures expected to reduce air pollution by 5 percentage points to 40% and generate $2 billion in savings as people’s health improves. Environmental Protection Minister Gilad Erdan signed personal orders for the CEO of the Israel Electric Corporation on Sunday, requiring filtering technology installed in coal-fired power stations. […]

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Subscribers will have noticed an increase in the volume of postings. The volume of news and scholarship related to environment and climate in the Middle East has in fact increased. The increase has been gradual over time, but it is clearly noticeable when comparisons are made to 1997, when this project began, and even compared […]

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Environmental Peacemaking, December 2010 – FoEME

FoEME divided up its annual “Good Water Neighbors” regional conference this year, holding one for the Jordan River / Dead Sea communities entitled “One Basin – Conflicting Visions” in Amman Jordan, on November 2nd -3rd; and one for the Mt. and Coastal Aquifer communities, entitled “A Water Agreement Cannot Wait”, in Jerusalem, on Nov. 30th. […]

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EMWIS Flash – November/December 2010

Euro-Mediterranean Information System on the know-how in the Water Sector EMWIS is a program of the Union for the Mediterranean. For further information: www.emwis.net Contents issue N°85 for complete newsletter see (www.emwis.net/thematicdirs/eflash/flash85) ======================== HEADLINE 1- The 14th Annual EMWIS Steering Committee meeting, Florence (Italy), 03/12/2010 IN BRIEF 2- Med Joint Process: Water quality monitoring working […]

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International Conference: Water and Climate Change in the MENA-Region

April 28 – 29, 2011 in Berlin / Germany Climate change is a global phenomenon with comprehensive implications for the eco-, bioand for the anthroposphere. Globally, 20 % of the population will live in water stressed areas by 2080. In the MENA-Region a semi-arid and arid region already being under pressure from water scarcity, severe […]

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Expressions of interest are requested by 15 February, 2011; Papers July 2011 Papers are requested for a special issue of the Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature & Culture (JSRNC) on “Religion and Climate Change” and a possible book. Anthropogenic climate change is among the most significant and far-reaching social issues of our time. […]

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Court to liquidator of United Steel: You clean up toxic mess – Haaretz

375,000 tons of waste and byproducts fester in Acre site By Arik Mirovsky The liquidator of United Steel Mills and its subsidiaries must lead a cleanup operation at a polluted site in Acre, where the company had a plant, the Haifa District Court has ordered. Over the years, 375,000 tons of dangerous substances had been […]

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The Dead Sea Works should pay – Haaretz

The accumulating salt is a by-product of the process of collecting raw materials, and as such the Dead Sea Works should be responsible for dealing with it, paying what is necessary and preventing the flooding of the hotels. By Zafrir Rinat After contending with extensive fire damage in the Carmel and the collapse of numerous […]

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Manufacturers to be made responsible for recycling all product packaging – Haaretz

The legislative proposal will undergo its second and third readings into law in the Knesset plenum in a matter of days. By Zvi Zrahiya Importers and manufacturers will be directly responsible for recycling the packaging of all products they sell, under a bill approved by the Knesset Economic Affairs Committee yesterday. The legislative proposal will […]

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Cancun environment benefits for Lebanon remain unclear – Daily Star

By Simona Sikimic BEIRUT: The recent UN climate meeting in Cancun may have raised hopes by promising to inject billions of dollars to help developing countries face global warming challenges but whether or not Lebanon will see an influx of cash remains to be seen, Environment Ministry representatives said Monday. “The mechanism [for receiving funding] […]

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Seeing REDD on climate change – Jordan Times

By George Soros The official communiqué from the Cancún climate-change conference cannot disguise the fact that there will be no successor to the Kyoto Protocol when it expires at the end of 2012. Japan, among others, has withdrawn its support for efforts simply to extend the Kyoto treaty. This sounds like bad news, because it […]

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