Environment and Climate in the Middle East

news, conferences, policy discussions and academic publications on environmental issues and climate change in the Eastern Mediterranean

Environment and Climate in the Middle East

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Iraq ‘green belt’ front line in anti-desertification fight – Al Arabiya

By AFP KARBALA Iraq Trees as far as the eye can see are the weapons one Iraqi province is using in the fight against desertification in a country where decades of conflict have exacted a terrible environmental toll. Karbala, 110 kilometers (70 miles) south of Baghdad, is best known as the site of the shrines […]

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Cabinet transfers authority for animals rights – Jerusalem Post / Haaretz

By SHARON UDASIN 06/11/2012 05:01 Bill by MK Alex Miller transfers authority from Agriculture Ministry to Environmental Protection Ministry. The cabinet approved a bill by MK Alex Miller (Yisrael Beytenu) that transfers the authority over animal welfare from the Agriculture Ministry to the Environmental Protection Ministry during its weekly meeting on Sunday. “Animals are helpless […]

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Our grandchildren’s world – Jordan Times

by Heikki Holmås | Jun 10,2012 | 22:48 I am working for a more just world. At the same time, parents all over the world want their children to have a better life than they had. This is why we must promote economic growth and create jobs and security for millions of people. We must […]

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‘Gas income should fund sustainable energy’ – Jerusalem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 06/06/2012 04:57 Adam Teva V’Din wants a portion of the royalties from natural gas drilling for fund to develop sustainable energy solutions. A portion of the royalties the state receives from natural gas and oil drilling should go into a fund for developing sustainable energy solutions for the country’s future, a new […]

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3 major cities declared pollution-stricken – YNET

Green groups fed up with gov’t municipalities flouting of Clean Air Law; label Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa as ‘air pollution-stricken’ Billie Frenkel Published: 06.11.12 Israel’s environmental groups have declared Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa as ‘air pollution-stricken’ areas. The move, made last week, was carried out in protest of the government’s procrastination in implementing […]

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Activists call for end to nuclear programme, shift to renewables – Jordan Times

by Hana Namrouqa | Jun 10,2012 AMMAN — Consecutive governments have been missing out on huge socio-economic and environmental benefits by failing to tap Jordan’s promising renewable energy potential, Greenpeace activists said on Sunday. Dressed in white overalls and carrying banners and mock barrels of nuclear waste, the activists urged the government to shift its […]

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The offshore gas craze: Is Lebanon missing the tide? Daily Star

June 08, 2012 01:36 AM By Roudi Baroudi However Lebanon’s politicians resolve the logjam over long-overdue appointments to the government bureaucracy, the entire frustrating process will have been more than worth it if it teaches a single lesson: Don’t let similar bouts of bickering in the future strangle this country’s budding energy sector. There is […]

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Cabinet speeds up planning for natural gas terminals – Jerusalem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 06/10/2012 21:18 Netanyahu criticized ongoing bureaucratic delays in establishing natural gas receiving facilities. Cabinet members unanimously approved a plan to speed up the planning process for natural gas absorption terminals at Sunday’s meeting. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu criticized the ongoing bureaucratic delays in establishing natural gas refinery facilities and stressed the government […]

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‘Israel not committed to renewable energy future’ – Jerusalem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 06/11/2012 02:02 “We must learn from solar industry mistakes of other countries,” experts tell Herzliya conference sponsored by private firms. The Israeli government is not yet fully committed to the implementation of solar energy and other renewable energy resources and must learn from the mistakes of other countries, both international and national […]

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Israeli technology turns greenhouse gas into fuel – Jersualem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 06/08/2012 04:19 Technology developed by head of Weizmann’s Science Energy Center creates mixture that can be used for car fuel. A new Israeli solar technology is able to transform greenhouse gas emissions from the dirtiest of pollutants into a useable fuel for automobiles. Israeli startup NewCO2Fuels Ltd., in partnership with Australian firm […]

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Council head warns over gas contract delays – Haaretz

Cabinet votes unanimously to approve a plan that would streamline the approval process for installation of gas-transportation facilities along the Mediterranean coast. By Avi Bar-Eli and Itai Trilnick | Jun.11, 2012 The cabinet Sunday voted unanimously to approve a plan that would streamline the approval process for installation of gas-transportation facilities along the Mediterranean coast. […]

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Knesset Green Day focuses on beaches – Jerusalem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 06/06/2012 05:01 In special session of Lobby, MKs discuss threats to marine environments, risks associated with gas and oil drillings. The government must take more responsibility for the well-being of the country’s seashores and beaches, leaders of the Knesset Social-Environmental Lobby agreed on Tuesday. The leaders, MKs Dov Henin (Hadash) and Nitzan […]

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Gaza power station shuts down after Sinai militants attack fuel convoy – Haaretz

Sources in Strip say militias hijack trucks filled with Qatari fuel; Hamas official: Israel, Palestinian Authority, Egypt responsible for delay in supply. By Avi Issacharoff | Jun.07, 2012 Armed militias in the Sinai hijacked trucks delivering fuel from an Egyptian port city to the Gaza Strip, Palestinian sources told Haaretz on Thursday, causing the Strip’s […]

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Israeli Bulldozers Destroy Six Water Wells in West Bank – WAFA

JENIN, June 7, 2012 (WAFA) – Israeli bulldozers Thursday destroyed six water wells east of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, according to local and security sources. They said that Israeli bulldozers, accompanied by 10 Israeli military vehicles, destroyed two artesian water wells, which were used to irrigate dozens of dunums of agricultural land […]

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Desalination plant in West Bank tackles water shortage – Al Arabiya

By Noora Faraj Al Arabiya with Agencies As summer nears, families living in the dusty Palestinian village of Marj Naaja located in the Jordan valley are set to face water shortages, a recurring problem in many parts of the West Bank. Water is one of the many contentious issues hindering a Palestinian-Israeli peace deal. It […]

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Greenpeace to Microsoft: Clean up your (energy) act – Jerusalem Post

By JPOST.COM STAFF 06/05/2012 17:09 Three activists climb Microsoft wall in Herzliya to press for using cleaner energy; company says it’s already going green. Three Greenpeace activists on Tuesday climbed the 20 meter glass wall outside of the Microsoft building in Herzliya. Activists climbed and then cleaned the huge glass wall of the Microsoft building, […]

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A symbol of the nation, Lebanon’s cedar heavily threatened – Daily Star

June 04, 2012 01:32 AM (Last updated: June 04, 2012 03:43 PM) By Paula Jahn BEIRUT: Canada without the maple leaf. The United States without the bald eagle. More than mere symbols, they are so much a part of those nations’ identity that their extinction would be considered a national catastrophe. But that could be […]

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Sewer runs through river at heart of Israel’s most important nature reserve – Haaretz

Plans are afoot to divert water from Nahal Sorek and other streams. By Zafrir Rinat | Jun.05, 2012 Nahal Sorek lies at the heart of one of the largest and most important nature reserves in the center of the country. For most of its known existence, it was a disappointing stream that revived only after […]

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INPA launches campaign against beach driving – Jerusalem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 06/04/2012 06:04 80% of Israel’s coast exposed directly or indirectly to damages from vehicles, according to INPA data. The Israel Nature and Parks Authority and the Or Yarok Association for Safer Driving in Israel have launched a campaign to end the phenomenon of driving on beaches, an activity that is illegal within […]

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Plans being designed for new protected areas – Jordan Times

by JT | Jun 05,2012 | 23:51 AMMAN — The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) is drawing up management plans for the newly created Qatar and Ghor Fifa protected areas, RSCN Director General Yehya Khaled said on Monday. The two reserves in Wadi Araba joined Jordan’s network in July last year to […]

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