Environment and Climate in the Middle East

news, conferences, policy discussions and academic publications on environmental issues and climate change in the Eastern Mediterranean

Environment and Climate in the Middle East

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Project to provide Litani River water to south – Daily Star

May 04, 2012 02:24 AM The Daily Star BEIRUT: Qabalan Qabalan, the head of the Council of the South, launched a project to channel the Litani River water to the south Thursday, describing the move as important as the liberation of the south from Israeli occupation. The project will see the provision of potable water […]

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Jordan Phosphate Mines announces 77.5% increase in net profit during Q1 – Jordan Times

Petra | May 03,2012 | 23:11 AMMAN — Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (JPMC) net profit osted during the first quarter of this year amounted to JD38.7 million, 77.5 per cent higher than the JD21.8 million recorded during the first quarter of 2011. The company’s quarterly disclosure published on the Amman Stock Exchange website showed that […]

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The National Bioenergy Assessment for Lebanon – Al-Bia Wal-Tanmia

First of its kind to scud over all the bioenergy streams possible in the country By: Hassan Harajli Each nation must know itself like each person must know him or herself. A nation must know the socio-economic conditions of its people, such as their income levels, education attainment, the equality between the sexes and various […]

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Making the desert bloom (with fish) – Jerusalem Post

By DAVID ALLOUCHE / NOCAMELS 04/30/2012 17:04 Israeli technology allows fish farms to be run anywhere, even in the desert, with minimal damage to environment. David Allouche writes for NoCamels. Fishing is central to the livelihood and food security of approximately 200 million people worldwide, while one in five people depends on fish as their […]

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‘Jordan phases out ozone-depleting chemicals one year ahead of schedule’ – Jordan Times

by Hana Namrouqa | May 06,2012 | 22:51 DEAD SEA — Jordan has phased out all central cooling systems using chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), which damage the ozone layer, a government official said on Sunday. A total of 1,500 tonnes of CFCs were phased out by replacing central cooling systems using CFCs in scores of public and […]

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Restoration of Wadi Hanifa Wetlands – Al-Bia Wal-Tamnia

Based on on-site review reports by Mohammad Al-Asad and Wael Al-Samhouri The Wadi Hanifa watershed is an oasis located in the heart of the Najd Plateau in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is a natural water drainage course for an area of over 4,000 square kilometers and a unique geographical feature in this dry […]

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A solution for our seas and shores? – Haaretz

Groups say creation of a new government body could be the answer to averting potential disaster on our beaches. By Zafrir Rinat wo groups who warn Israel’s coastline is in danger of being destroyed say they have the solution to salvage it. The Zalul Environmental Association and the Department of Marine Geosciences at Haifa University […]

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Jordan’s Egyptian gas supplies ‘resume’ – Jordan Times

by Taylor Luck | May 03,2012 | 23:52 AMMAN — Jordan’s Egyptian gas supplies resumed on Thursday amid growing doubts over the reliability of the Kingdom’s main energy source. In a statement carried by the Jordan News Agency, Petra, Egyptian firm GASCO announced that Cairo has begun pumping gas to the Kingdom at “experimental levels” […]

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Groups demand increase in rooftop solar quotas – Jerusalem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 05/04/2012 02:33 Green groups argue allowing more solar roof installations would be simple way of helping bridge gaps that may occur this summer. Eight environmental organizations appealed to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday asking that he promote an increase in the quota for photovoltaic rooftop panels, in light of the anticipated […]

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Club Med surrenders Achziv Beach back to Israeli public – Haaretz

Israel Nature and Parks Authority confirms that the beach will be open without charge. By Zafrir Rinat The northern coast’s Achziv beach, which has been closed to the public for years and used to be an exclusive Club Med resort, soon will be reopened to the public free of charge, the Israel Nature and Parks […]

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SPNI slams plans for Eilat hotel, leisure complex – Jerusalem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 05/02/2012 04:09 The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel claims building plans would be hazardous to landscape in the area. The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI) is vehemently opposing a plan to construct a large hotel and commercial center on Eilat’s southern Almog Beach, claiming that […]

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Adventure season opens at Mujib reserve – Jordan Times

by Hana Namrouqa | May 03,2012 | 23:22 AMMAN — The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) has announced the opening of the adventure season at the Mujib Biosphere Reserve, a popular hiking and camping destination that is home to high-altitude summits and waterfalls. The reserve closes to visitors for safety reasons during […]

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Israel’s final frontier – Haaretz

Is it possible that there are no isolated places left in this country? Is there a single peak from which one can look north, south, east, and west without seeing a community, highway, electricity pole, antenna or army base? By Nir Hasson Daniel, the hero of a short story in Etgar Keret’s “Pipelines” collection, is […]

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Teens turn disused bus lane into bicycle lane – Jordan Times

AMMAN — Two boys took the initiative and made use of a non-operational bus lane in west Amman on Wednesday by turning it into a bicycle lane. Omar Ahmad and Mohammad Ali, both 14, from the Dahiyat Al Rashid neighbourhood, said they and other teens recently discovered the usefulness of the disused lane on Queen […]

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“Souk El Tayeb”: Lebanese Market for Organic Food – Al-Bia Wal-Tanmia

Organic produce market in downtown Beirut . By: Nidaa Hilal “Souk El Tayeb” is the first farmers’ open-air weekly market held every Saturday at Beirut Souks, Downtown Beirut, where fresh organic and traditional food is sold by producers from across Lebanon. Farmers’ markets are first about creating a link between producers and consumers. Food is […]

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Environment Ministry offers green consumerism app – Jerusalem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 05/01/2012 10:09 Smartphone application is free, downloadable, will teach users benefits of green consumerism. The Environmental Protection Ministry has launched a free, downloadable smartphone application to teach users the benefits of green consumerism. The app, called “Environment – Lets think green,” attempts to guide consumers through different types of green behaviors that […]

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Arab-Jewish project for kids ends as funds dry up – Jerusalem Post

By SHARON UDASIN 05/02/2012 23:24 Nature and Parks Authority hopes to secure new funding to embark on additional cycle for program in North. After three years of forging cooperation among Arab and Jewish Israeli children over a shared need to protect nature, an Israel Nature and Parks Authority (INPA) project in Alonei Abba came to […]

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Israel’s Civil Administration orders Palestinians to uproot 1,000 young olive trees in nature reserve – Haaretz

Residents of Deir Istiya village say they plan to fight the order in court, arguing that it violates their right to work privately owned land. By Zafrir Rinat Israel’s Civil Administration in the West Bank has ordered Palestinian villagers to uproot more than 1,000 olive trees because they were planted in a nature reserve. Residents […]

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Environmental Peacemaking May 2012 Friends of the Earth Middle East

Jordanian Parliamentarians visit Bakoura On April 15th, FoEME took members from the Committee of Environment and Health in the Lower House of Parliament of Jordan to Bakoura, a military-controlled region near the border between Israel and Jordan. There, FoEME Amman Director explained the need to make the Bakoura region into a National Park, which would […]

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Mysterious smell envelops central Israel; Tel Aviv municipality investigating source – Haaretz / Jerusalem Post

Residents of Tel Aviv complain of a harsh chlorine-like substance that could be felt in the air. By Ilan Lior and Zafrir Rinat Residents of Tel Aviv, Gush Dan and central Israel complained Thursday morning of a harsh chemical substance that could be felt in the air. Many people described the smell as similar to […]

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